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Playing with treats can be fun for a puppy, but sometimes it can happen that it chokes on a treat too quickly. Acting quickly and correctly in such a situation is crucial, as a quick reaction can save your pet's life. In this article, we'll explore what to do if...
Winter brings with it low temperatures and weather conditions that can affect us as well as our furry friends. While many dog owners worry about their pets in cold weather, the question of whether a dog can get frostbite seems entirely appropriate. Frostbite is damage to the skin and tissues...
Mačke in psi lahko dobijo razne bolezni, ki jih prenašajo vektorji. Delovna skupina FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations) v sodelovanju z ESCCAP in ESDA, je objavila vrhunske informativne grafike za bolezni, ki jih prenašajo vektorji. Vse te infografike najdeš in si jih lahko preneseš na povezavi tukaj:...