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Doc. dr. Darja Pavlin, dr. vet. med., in David Černec, dr. vet. med., sta Veterinarski zbornici Slovenije (VZbSi) dala pobudo za izdelavo informativne zloženke z naslovom "Kaj je potrebno vedeti pred nakupom psa ali mačke". VZbSi je pobudo z navdušenjem podprla in sofinancirala, kar je pripeljalo do nastanka uporabnega vodnika,...

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Grooming is an important part of grooming for many dog ​​breeds, especially those with shaggy or coarse coats. Grooming is a process in which dead hair is removed to allow new hair to grow and maintain a healthy and aesthetic appearance of the dog. Here are the main reasons why...

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Brachycephalic dog breeds are often very popular among animal lovers because of their unique appearance and endearing nature. However, it is important to understand that these breeds come with specific challenges and concerns that must be considered when becoming an owner. Brachycephalic breeds such as French Bulldogs, Pugs, English Bulldogs,...

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